Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Taylor Swift Praises Harry Styles Fantastic

Taylor Swift and Harry Styles - fanpop
More and more couples are dubbed Haylor (Harry Styles and Taylor Swift), the more fond of each other. More recently, Taylor reveals her feelings for Harry.

Country singer revealed to her friends that she really fell in love with one of the personnel One Direction (1D) it.

In fact, according to a source told Heat magazine, Taylor had just returned from England, after spending a romantic day with Harry in Cheshire.

Taylor also admitted that love and feel comfortable with Harry. "It's crazy. He (Harry) is fantastic. I love him. He can make me comfortable,"

"He is an example of a passionate young man and truly inspiring. He opened my mind about a lot of things. Relationship we felt relaxed," said Taylor.

In the birthday-23, Thursday (13/12) yesterday, he got a surprise romantic birthday of Harry. The curly-haired man giving birthday gift of a cupcake gift as many as 23 pieces, as after Taylor.


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